I'm not sure how such utter conflicting confusion can be helpful except to confuse even further.
I wouldn't worry too much about it, Lenna clearly has a good head on her shoulders. And confusion is often a natural part of the learning proccess because we only ever learn when we are faced with our missconceptions. It is a good thing that she is being exposed to a wide range of ideas and attitudes - that way she can make up her mind for herself what she wants to believe. And we at this site are not the Borg. We do not all speak in a unified voice telling people what to think. Rather, it is our discord that shows people how to think. It challenges them that not all questions have easy answers. And that if you want to come to knowledge, and rationality, and if you want to be able to build good mental models of how the world works - then you're going to have to do the heavy mental lifting yourself.
Or, if I may use the brutal statement that got the wheels of doubt turning when I was a witness, " There is a huge difference between being " opinionated" vs having an "informed opinion""
Opinionated: conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions. Claiming knowledge one does not possess.
Informed Opinion: knowledge of the neccissary facts and a careful consideration of the principles. Making determinations using evidence instead of limited personal experience.